6/4/2017 – The Madison Water Utility has updated the schedule for the landscaping around the new reservoir. The site has been too wet for Greener Valley Landscaping, the contractor for the project, to complete their work so they have been granted an extension for completing the WEST side of the site to June 10th.
The EAST side has had issues with the rain garden due to some buried fiber optic cables and they have now resolved those with a new plan. The owners of the fiber optic lines have agreed to relocate the fiber by August 1st. The landscaping contractor has also agreed return after August 1st and complete the EAST side work no later than the end of September. The County has extended the temporary easement for the city to October 1st 2017 to allow for the relocation of the fiber and the completion of the east rain garden.
Please direct any questions to Kelly Miess at Madison Water Utility, KMiess@madisonwater.org or 608.261.9640
For details on the plan see this rendering. Note yellow spots to indicate rain gardne placement. Tree and shrub Final Plan